San Jose Giants 2018 Promotional Stadium Giveaways

San Francisco Giants Class A Affiliate Adv.
Giants Class A AdvSan Jose Giants

4/12/2018 Magnet Schedule

San Jose Giants Magnet Schedule 4-14-2018

4/13/2018 Super Gigante Bobblehead First 500 Fans

4/14/2018 Super Gigante Bobblehead First 500 Fans

San Jose Giants Super-Gigante Bobblehead 4-13-2018

4/21/2018 Military Giveaway Item First 1,000 Fans

5/11/2018 San Jose Water Toy Truck

5/12/2018 STAR WARS(TM) Night Light Sword First 500

5/13/2018 Mother’s Day Giveaway First 500 Moms

6/2/2018 1998 Championship Ring First 1,000 Fans

6/2/2018 San Jose Giant Race Bobblehead San Jose Giant Race participants will have the opportunity to get their hands on an exclusive bobblehead

6/16/2018 Paul the Churro Man Bobblehead

7/7/2018 San Jose Giants Matt Cain Bobblehead First 1.000 Fans

7/14/2018 San Francisco Giants Willie McCovey Bobblehead First 1.000 Fans

7/15/2018 San Francisco Giants Willie Mays First 1.000 Fans

7/28/2018 San Francisco Giants 60th Anniversary Blanket First 1.000 Fans

8/4/2018 San Jose Giants Back-to-School Backpack First 1.000 Fans

8/18/2018 Italian Night Giveaway First 500 Fans

8/19/2018 Hello Kitty Cap First 1,000 Fans

8/31/2018 AugtoberFest Keychain Bottle Opener First 1,000 Fans

9/1/2018 San Jose Giants Tim Lincecum Bobblehead First 1,000 Fans

9/3/2018 San Jose Giants T-Shirt First 2,000 Fans

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