Yoda Bobblehead
May 25
7:05 PM
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Promotion: Star Wars Night – Yankees Yoda Bobblehead
1st 18,000 Guests
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I live in Florida now and wish I could get a Yoda Yankee Bobblehead for my son for his 30th birthday in May and/or my daughter for her 40th birthday in July. Perfect, don’t you think? Their dad was born in the Bronx. All three are Yankees fans from birth! Our son refused to look at colleges in Boston. He said he could not live amongst the Red Sox fans being the Yankees fan he is. 💜
There is a NY Yankees fan group on Facebook, “The New York Yankees Fan Group.” I posted in there in Thursday that anyone going to the game on Friday, May 6, 2022, who gets the Yoda Bobblehead, and wants to sell it, as I live in Arizona, I would be willing to pay. You may want to try that prior to the new giveaway night of 5/25.